Motorcycle license plates: what are the rules?

The license plate is compulsory for any vehicle traveling on public roads. Two-wheelers are no exception and must enter their registration number on a special plate . Since the national registration file (FNI) has been replaced by the vehicle registration system (SIV), new rules must be observed.
License plates and standards
The inscriptions on a motorcycle license plate must be clearly legible whatever the weather conditions. It must be made by a professional and the number on the plate must be identical to the number on the gray card. It must be well attached to the rear of the motorcycle in such a way as to be clearly visible. It must respect the standard authorized size.
A registration plate registered in France must include the letter F which is the European symbol. Then, the logo of the region and the department number must be affixed to the plate to identify the territory. The latter only applies to motorcycles over 50cc.
In summary, the license plate of a motorcycle must:
A new rule applies since July 1, 2017 concerning the size of license plates for two-wheelers. From now on, only one model is homologated.
This new plate must measure 210 mm in width and 130 mm in height. This standardization is also valid for three-wheelers and motorized quadricycles. It will allow the police to better control vehicles when they pass in front of radars. If this new regulation is not respected, the driver risks a class 4 fine, or a fine In addition to the size, the inscriptions that appear on the plate are also subject to certain rules.
The information on the motorcycle plate must be written in black characters on a reflective white background and must not exceed the two lines. The height and spacing of the characters must also respect the imposed standard.
Namely: only motorcycles registered as “collection” can be an exception and have white writing on a black background.
Prohibitions and penalties incurred
All motorcycles in circulation must comply with these new regulations. The old plates must therefore be changed as soon as possible.
Driving without a plate or with a false number is strictly prohibited. These offenses are punishable by a withdrawal of points on his driving license and a fine. They can be added the mobilization of the vehicle.
In the event of non-compliance with the rules, the insurer is able to terminate the motorcycle insurance contract at any time. In the event of a claim, it will cover the damage caused to third parties, but the owner of the vehicle will then have to reimburse the insurer. Even with comprehensive insurance, the insurance may refuse to pay any compensation for damages suffered.
It is therefore preferable to remain in good standing to avoid penalties, but above all the safety of the driver and third parties.