Buying a car: the parts to be provided by the seller?

Buying a car


The documents that the seller must imperatively give you are three in number: gray card, certificate of sale and certificate of location… to which is added the technical inspection report if the vehicle offered for sale is more than four years old. . But you can ask for more!   Mandatory documents

The registration certificate

This is the vehicle ID card. You can also mention the exact mileage of the vehicle. For gray cards from before 2004, the top right corner bearing the words “Part to be cut out when the vehicle is sold” must be detached and given to the new owner.

On recent certificates, a detachable coupon allows circulation for one month, the time to make a new request. This needs to be done ASAP!  Print registration certificate application

The certificate of sale called “transfer”

It refers to the change of ownership of a material good. It can be obtained free of charge from the prefecture or online and must be drawn up in duplicate. You keep the first copy and give the second to the seller of the vehicle.

Print the certificate of sale

 The certificate of administrative status known as “of non-pledge.This document is also issued by the prefecture (or sub-prefecture) or via the internet. Its validity is one month. It proves to you that the vehicle is not pledged and that it is not subject to any legal opposition from bailiffs or the Public Treasury.

Print the certificate of administrative status

 Even if these documents are not mandatory, they have a “reassuring” effect because they trace the vehicle’s past and prove that the car you are looking for has been properly and regularly maintained.

The user manual

If you don’t know your “new” car, the operation and role of certain controls can be quite esoteric. Ask your seller for the user’s manual, which contains a considerable amount of useful information.

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